Season Seats are subject to the Standard Season Seat Terms and Conditions posted here.

Broadway Season Seat Members receive the following benefits:

Guaranteed Seats to the Biggest Shows!

Season Seat Members are guaranteed seats to the biggest Broadway shows that are anticipated to sell out.               

Best Prices

Touring Broadway shows can set single tickets at higher prices as performances approach. As Season Seat Members, you're locked in not only with the same seats, but the best prices for each season show.

Payment Plans

Convenient payment plan options* for renewing season seat members are available in 6 or 9 month installments with the first installment beginning on May 1st and charging on the 1st each month after until the payment plan is paid in full. There will be a $100 (per account) deposit when using the payment plan option.

Schedule Flexibility

We will send an email to you when Add-ons and exchanges will be available later this summer. When the time comes, please keep in mind:

Can't make a show for your regularly scheduled performance? Season Seat Members are able to exchange performances within the same show's run with no additional service charge. We recommend exchanging as early as possible for best seating options.  

Exchanges must be complete by 3 p.m. on the Friday prior to the show opening.  Account Manager and the call center will be unable to accommodate exchanges made after this deadline.  Please note that seating options for exchange can be limited and if changing into a higher priced performance or seating location, a price difference may apply.  Season Seat Members may also be required to pay a higher price for exchanges as some shows change prices as inventory becomes more limited.  

Account Manager Guide for Exchanges | Account Manager Guide for Add-Ons
FAQ for Add-Ons and Exchanges

Should you not want to make an exchange and wish to re-sell tickets to one of your shows, visit Account Manager. See this guide for help on posting your ticket listing. Should you want to cancel your ticket listing, visit the Ticket Exchange and use this guide for help.

Note on your ticket booklet: tickets exchanged or added after June 17, 2025 have not been included at the time of printing. Any tickets exchanged after this date should be managed digitally. Please note that if you exchange tickets for a performance, your original tickets will no longer be valid.

Parking Deck Access

For each of your Broadway season shows, you will receive a parking pass valid for the Church Street or Marriott decks near the theater. Please check for updated information on show parking. Please note that space is available on a first-come, first-served basis; only good for the show noted on your voucher.  Please note that VIP Parking is sold out for the 2024-25 Season. 

Season Seats are subject to the Standard Season Seat Terms and Conditions posted here. By purchasing a Season Membership, you agree to such Terms and Conditions. We do not support the reselling of these tickets above face value through any means other than through authorized reselling programs of Ticketmaster. Doing so will constitute a breach of these Season Seat Terms and Conditions and account holders who violate this rule may be subject to revocation of their purchasing status and seats. 


*Number of monthly payments available is dependent upon time of purchase. Please allow the system make its automatic charges rather than making payments early or out of order. Note that all payment plans must be paid in full by January 2026.